Community Autism Resource Education
Free Community Workshops For Autism Education
in the Greater Toronto Area
Free Community Workshops For Autism Education in the Greater Toronto Area

Supporting families with autism and other exceptionalities through therapy, school, and group programs is only one part of our mission at Autism In Mind (AIM).
We also help communities, industries, and schools build a world without limits for individuals with autism.
Community Autism Resource Education (C.A.R.E.) is a free resource, made possible by generous donations, where we deliver educational workshops and programs about autism to our community partners.
From staff training for daycare workers to in-school workshops to corporate awareness campaigns, every program is customized based on our community partner’s needs and goals.
Our free workshops can include:
Staff training and team building.
Awareness campaigns and volunteer experiences.
Parent and caregiver workshops.
Inclusive children’s programs.
What is IBI Therapy and How Does It Help Children With Autism?
Previously, we’ve partnered with libraries to deliver basic behavioural management training to families in the community and staff, hosted information sessions on occupational therapy with, and worked with community centres to offer free speech therapy assessments.
All workshops are delivered either in person or virtually.
If you have a workshop idea in mind or would like to talk more about our previous workshops, please contact us now.
View Our Programs & Services

Saturday Social Skills
(4 - 12 years)

Respite Programs
(4 - 15 years)

School Readiness
(3.5 - 6 years)

Speech and Language
Pathology (SLP)

After School Program
(4 - 15 years)